This is NOT a parenting podcast. At least, it's not a how-to.
If you're looking for a podcast on how to parent, on how to be a perfect father and set the gold standard for father of the year, then this is not the cast for you.
We're here for stories of "Dadding" gone wrong, to share life experiences so you can learn what NOT to do, and to share opinions on just about everything under the sun. This is a podcast for being real, making dad jokes, and supporting other dads in a world that seems to have forgotten we're parents too.
If you're into embarrassing parenting stories, punny jokes, arguments about how (not) to eat cheeseburgers, conspiracy theories, sports talk, ankle-breaking ass slaps and other less-than-serious topics to help pass the time, then this is the podcast for you.
We're here to Go Dad Go!
Support us and join the group at Patreon.com/2DadsTalkingPodcast

Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
There's a crazy (brilliant) (useless) (progressive) law being passed in Narnia...we mean Middle Earth...Neverland?...Australia! That's right, we're going back to the made-up land down under to talk about their recent plan to ban social media for kids under 16. And because we're not entirely sure Australia really exists (see episode 43 for more on that), we'll stumble down a rabbit hole or two and throw in our usual quota of Dad jokes.
The only thing better than following us on Facebook is signing up for the 2DT Patreon! More content every week!
What a Selection of Links (funniest at the bottom):
The Proposed Ban's Inspiration
Oscar Has Opinions (WSW Article)
More Normal Take on BBC
Quick, Good Explainer for Spice
CNN Article on Pornhub Issue (Safe for Work, Don't Worry)
Key and Peele Tom Used to Shush Doug
Just like Jaden, you don't have to choose between our website or our merch - have both!
Drop us a line at 2DTPod@gmail.com!

Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
How far should protecting your children go? Luckily for you, we disagree slightly! #HunterBiden #Tuition #BookBanning
This livestream was through our official 2DT Facebook page! Yay! Follow 2DT on Facebook to get all the goods!
Don't forget to sign up for the 2DT Patreon, where you can choose discussion topics and find hours of other amazing content.
Will logged in during our livestream and thinks you should visit our links:
President Biden Pardons Hunter
Book Banning - NY Post
Book Banning - Farthest Right/Left Opinion We Could Find
Native Son Book Info
College Tuition Growth
Will (probably) thinks our website is awesome.
Will (definitely) thinks our merch is awesome.
Will thinks you should send us an email. Note, Will is not the Hypno Toad....he is WAY more influential: 2DTPod@gmail.com

Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
What are you thankful for? Seriously. While a couple of turkeys like us get a little cheesy this time, it's important to focus on the meat and potatoes in your life. And it's okay to ham it up a little, too. Happy Thanksgiving all you wonderful people!
Don't forget to FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK - we need only 8 more followers to livestream from our 2DT page!
After you follow us on Facebook, sign up for the 2DT Patreon, which has, literally, hours of some amazing stuff.
Your Link, My Liege:
Thanksgiving Facts (Some of these are dark!)
Our website is still here.
Our merch is maximum awesome.
Our email is two steps below a unicorn fart: 2DTPod@gmail.com

Friday Nov 22, 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Also, FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK for the love of whatever you find holy - we need only 10 more followers to livestream from our real page...because Facebook be like that.
Beardy and his Australian brethren may be fake, but our reward is authentic: one last call to find them and you get one month free to the 2DT Patreon!
Find the Missing Links:
Open Your Mind....
(Don't) Open Your Marriage...
You Too Will Divide By Zero
Brian Bishop Too, I Guess
Our website is probably okay.
Our merch is authentically authentic.
Our email is slightly less authentic but still legit: 2DTPod@gmail.com

Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Super Update Time! Cliff Notes:
1. Suicide pod makers won't tolerate failure.
2. A micropenis is a real thing and not just an insult.
3. You know that haunting feeling that you just wish would be against your mortgage provider instead? Tom does!
4. We Are Groot.
Final call for Beardy and the Unbeardys from mythical Australia.
The reward is still only one month free to the 2DT Patreon - come on, we're not that desperate yet.
Back in our day, we had to walk uphill both ways for links:
Sarco Pods #1 - Shady
Sarco Pods #2 - Shadier
Sarco Pods #3 - Most Shadierest
Imane Khelif and IOC Implications
A Beautiful Mind (Tom can be Mr. Crowe's Understudy now!)
Our website is the best. Seriously.
Our merch is also the best. Also seriously.
Our email is third-best. For realsies: 2DTPod@gmail.com

Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Between jobs, moving, and our beautiful children who (luckily) take after our wives, we have been crazy busy recently. To make up for our tardiness, here is one of our recent Patreon entries...our first joint ODDD where we are really hoping Frank is okay: Texas Chili Contest.
Find this and other exclusive content on the 2DT Patreon!
Find all the episodes and more on our website!
Oh Merchy you so fine, you so fine you blow my mind!
Beardy, there is still time for you to do the right thing: 2DTPod@gmail.com!

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
We are looking for the one we call "Beardy," who uttered the whimsical title to this week's episode. When Tom is in Las Vegas, he is great at making friends, not so great and remembering names, and ends his time with mischief managed. Here comes conspiracy theories, Bluey, Las Vegas, and a dash of parenting, and an APB for Beardy and the Blokes!
Wanted: Beardy and/or his blokes.
Reward: One month free to the 2DT Patreon, and more importantly, our eternal gratitude.
She'll be apples with these links:
Dave the Dingo - Learn Dingo Lingo
Decoding Dingo: Understanding Australian Slang
Dad Baby - Full Episode - Bluey
Takeaway Episode Preview - Bluey
Cricket Episode Preview - Bluey
The Answer to Life, the Universe, Everything
Find all the episodes and more on our website!
You're Merching me crazay!
Beardy, you can also turn yourself in here: 2DTPod@gmail.com!

Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Tonight, we present to you our (podcasting) mid-life crisis, where we provide a multi-course meal of "daddy issues!" On the menu this evening: vulnerability, lost and adrift in the parenting sea, nature vs. nurture, the most basic responsibility to our kids as a dad, and finally, is being good enough....good...enough?
Any one of these fine dishes goes great with a glass of 2DT Patreon! Highly recommend!
(Sausage) Links:
Flawless Real Talk - Let Go
Rap Battle - Beanz and Flawless Real Talk
Dudes and Dads Podcast
Find all the episodes and more on our website!
All 'bout that Merch!
Submit your Dad Homework here: 2DTPod@gmail.com!

Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Welcome, all you sassy frasses! On this episode we welcome our Week 11 Patreon member Charles, who like a modern Virgil guides us through our own little dad inferno. Here's a hint: what do Caitlin Clark, Linkin Park, and lying to your kids all have in common? Answer: Probably nothing, other than Charles is expert-level on all of them.
Patreon is live with member-only content! Find it here: 2DT Patreon! Join today and maybe someday you can grow up to be like Charles!
LINKin Parks:
The Emptiness Machine - Linkin Park
Mike Shinoda Dismisses Linkin Park Criticism
Caitlin Clark MVP Voting
Dunkin Closed Scandal - If you watch nothing else, watch this!
Find all the episodes and more on our website!
All 'bout that Merch!
Our brains are still sucking from last week. Give us topics! 2DTPod@gmail.com!

Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Do you think you should be able to name your kids anything? Like, ANYTHING? We respectively give our very non-legal-advice opinions on the matter, and somehow eventually find our way to single guy hacks, fish tank follies, and realizing that those Chinese zoos are always up to something. Also, send us a shoutout for a Dad out there who deserves a little acknowledgment!
Patreon is live with member-only content! Find it here: 2DT Patreon!
Links and Stuff:
Loki Skywalker Passport Problems
Cinnamon in Your Earholes
Blindspot (TV Series)
Chuck (TV Series)
The Rare Chinese Chow Panda
Find all the episodes and more on our website!
You know what rhymes with church? Merch - coincidence? You decide!
Our brains suck. Forward us some good topics at 2DTPod@gmail.com!

Oh, You Want a Dad Joke?
Dr. Frankenstein went to a bodybuilding competition...
It was a terrible misunderstanding.